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Importance of mountains

                               Importance of mountains 

imaportance of Mountains
                        Although being formed naturally , mountains are of great value to man. 
 The Various uses of mountains are:
  • Mountains have  a rich variety of flora and fauna which  enhance the scenic beauty.
  • Mountains are a storehouse of water. Perennial rivers originating from high Mountains glaciers provide water.
  • Mountains are a rich source of minerals.
  • Due to their elevation, Mountains prove ideal sites for construction of dams.
  • The slop of the  Mountains  have dense forests, which provide forest products.
  • In India,the Himalayas act as a protective barrier against the dry and cold polar winds.
  • on accounts of decreasing temperature with increasing elevation , Mountains have cool climates  during summer and thus are perfect tourist destination in summer. winter sport like para-gliding , river rafting and skiing are other attraction.

                                        BY - ADARSH RAJ YADAV 

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