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Movement of snakes || snakes facts|| how snakes move || snakes structures


Bodies of snakes show the following features:
  • They have a long backbones,as the bodies are long.
  • They have many thing muscles connected to each other.The muscles,however, are far each other.
  • Muscles, are also connected to backbones,rib and skin.
snakes move very fast by crawling on their bodies. special structures called scales are present on their bodies. The scales help in crawling. During movement,the body curves into many loops. Each loop gives the snake a forward push by pressing against the ground.

Because of the formation of several loops, the thrust given by the loops allows the snake to move forward very fast in a wave-like manner.snakes do not move in a straight line.
                                      |  | Endoskeleton  |  |
  • A skeleton that is present inside the body is called endoskelrton.
  • like human being, endoskelrton of bones is found in all vertebrate animals like fish,frog , snake and birds.
Movement of snakes || snakes facts|| how snakes move || snakes structures

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